So, what is the Duke of Edinburgh First Aid Training Course? It is simply a requirement for the first aid element needed for the expedition syllabus.
This module has three levels, and it is suitable for Gold, Silver, and Bronze D of E awards.
If you want to know more about this particular course, we will give you a detailed outline of what it is all about. Come and check it out.

What Is a D of E First Aid Course?
For your Duke of Edinburgh Award, this module will teach you the practical way to deliver specific training, such as an outdoor first aid course and lifesaving emergency services.
This training can help make a difference between life, death, emergency, accident, and other scenarios.
By choosing this type of course, you are allowing yourself to develop your first aid abilities while developing new talent and social skills, do emergency first aid and rise to different challenges.
This comprehensive first aid course will give you everything you need to know about emergency first aid for your Duke of Edinburgh award.
In addition, Edinburgh’s award participants in this course will also hone lifesaving skills that come in the form of sheets, workbooks, case studies, and many more.
How Do You Qualify for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award?
The basic requirement for a person to do the D of E award is to do a minimum of three months of activity for each of the following:
- Volunteering – partaking in service to different individuals or within the community.
- Physical – improving in one area of sport, fitness activities, sports, or dance.
- Skills – developing personal interests, social and practical skills
- Expedition – going on an expedition can either be through training or competition in the UK or abroad.
Delegates are also required to undertake a basic first aid course, such as the emergency first aid at work course.
What Happens in a Duke of Edinburgh First Aid Course?
In this course, participants can perform various lifesaving skills that are detrimental to a person’s health and well-being.
This training is designed for people who are participants in the D of E Awards expedition.
While this course and other open courses are relatively the same or similar, this is delivered with more depth to allow students and first aiders to be more knowledgeable as they complete various courses from bronze through gold.
Here’s what you’ll learn about this first-aider module:
- Treatment and recognition of heat stroke and hypothermia
- Treatment of shock
- Action in an emergency first aid – circulation, resuscitation, breathing, and airway.
- Treatment of bleeding and wounds
- Recognition of other serious conditions during an outdoor activity, such as broken limbs and legs, strains, spinal injuries, sprains, and dislocations.
- Getting help, self-help, keeping safe and warm, waiting for help to arrive, and getting people to find you.
- Treatment of minor injuries, such as blisters, abrasions, burns, insect bites, headaches, and scalds.
- Knowledge of what to do during an emergency or accident.
- Getting help. Giving people written messages, what they need to know, and calling or telephoning someone for help.
Note: These are some details on what this module is all about and what you will be able to learn over the next few weeks.
The course applies to gold, bronze, and silver candidates, and hours depend on what course a participant is in.
Once applicants complete the module and training, they will receive a certificate. The certificate can then be sent to you via mail or online.
What Are Some First Aid Courses for D of E to Take?
A person can come to your venue and deliver specific first-aid training courses to your D of E suitable to the level of the Award.
Typically courses for a different level of Award:
- For Bronze candidate courses: 4 hours are needed to complete the course.
- For Silver candidates: 6 hours are needed to complete the course
- For Gold candidates: 8 hours are needed to complete the course.
There can also be expedition first aid teaching resources included in your module.
Here’s an additional emergency learning guide aside from what is mentioned above:
Additional content details:
- Action in emergency
- Treatment of unresponsive and breathing
- Heart attack and angina
- Primary survey – what to do within the first few minutes
- What is included in the first aid kit
- Asthma attack, eye injuries, knocked out tooth
- Internal bleeding, head injuries, seizures
- Fainting, burns, alcohol poisoning
- Final lesson and certificate
- Self-help, looking for help
- Useful advice on health and first-aid
NOTE: Participants who need this module for a leadership award must complete 16-hour training.
First aid courses are a must, as it gives all participants the confidence on how to deal with emergency situations, treatment of injuries, and responsibility for other people.
The DofE Award should cover the basic first aid skills and knowledge about lifesaving instances where professional medical advice is not immediately available.
Lastly, by the end of this first-aid module, you will receive your work certificate, proper practical training, and the knowledge to help people in dire need of help.