
You may proceed to the secondary survey after completing a primary survey and handling any life-threatening problems. Learn what you need to do.

If you would like to further your first aid skills we also offer a range of first aid courses.

What to do


  • Once you’ve completed a primary survey and addressed any life-threatening issues, it’s time to do a secondary survey. Inquire about every event that may have taken place with a responsive casualty and those around him or her. The goal of this part is to learn more about the victim’s background, signs, and symptoms.
  • Leave the victim in place until you are confident that it is safe to move them into a more appropriate posture for their injuries or illnesses.


  • Find out more about the casualty’s history. Use the mnemonic AMPLE as an easy reminder. Look for jewellery with any medical warnings that might give you information about their medical history or any allergies.
    • Allergy – Do they have any allergies? Do they take certain medicines, such as penicillin or aspirin?
    • Medication – Is he or she using any medicines?
    • Previous medical history – Do they have any medical issues, such as diabetes, epilepsy, or heart disease? Have they previously suffered an injury or had surgery?
    • Last meal – When did they last eat or drink?
    • Event history – What occurred and where? Is it a sickness or an accident that is to blame? Inquire of any people in the area what occurred and whether you may find anything useful.


  • Make sure to look, listen, feel, and smell for any indications of injury such as, deformation, bleeding, swelling, discolouration, or unusual smells. When comparing them, you should always compare the injured side of the body to the unaffected one. Are they able to walk and bend their legs? Is there anything else that might be causing their tardiness, such as health problems or other concerns? Check for any minor injuries while you’re doing the exam.


  • Ask the injured person basic, brief questions about any symptoms or feelings they are experiencing. They should give as much information as possible. Inquire of them:
    • Are you in pain? If so, where about?
    • When did you begin to feel pain?
    • What is the nature of the pain, is it constant or intermittent, sharp or dull?
    • Is it exacerbated by activity or breathing?

If you or your employees need first aid qualifications, take a look at our range of first aid training courses. Alternatively, get in touch today to find out more.


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